A New Depth of Cynicism

By: Cal Thomas Despite what some Iranian leaders say to the gullible West, denying their intention to build nuclear weapons, Tehran’s pursuit of weapons-grade fissile material and the development of ballistic missiles to potentially deliver a nuclear warhead continues unimpeded. Though it is obvious to anyone paying the least bit of attention, The Wall Street…

Two Contrasting Congressional Days

By: Cal Thomas Last Friday in Washington there was evidence of why only 16 percent of the public approve of the job Congress is doing, according to a Gallup poll. During a House Oversight Committee hearing on whether to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena,…

Warren Buffet Is Wrong on Taxes

By: Cal Thomas Many people have made money by following the advice of Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. His recommendations about which stocks to buy, which to sell and where to invest (or not) have earned him the “Oracle of Omaha” title. I prefer a modern cultural version: “the Taylor Swift of Capitalism.” Speaking at…

Demeaning, Diminishing, Destroying

By: Cal Thomas If history proves anything it shows if civil rights, human rights, equality and even the right to live are to be denied to a class of people, they must first be stripped of their inherent value as human beings. In the case of African Americans, it was slavery and the Dred Scott…

Adding to the Title IX Law

By: Cal Thomas What the Biden administration is doing to the Title IX civil rights law, the purpose of which is, among other things, to ensure equality between men’s and women’s sports, reminds me of a childhood game. We kids would sit in a circle and one would whisper something to the one next to…

Needed: Regime Change in Iran

By: Cal Thomas Every approach to curtailing Iran from its threats and behavior toward Israel and other countries has failed. In 2023, the Biden administration imposed sanctions on Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officials accused of planning assassinations overseas. In 2024, it “reapproved a sanctions waiver that unlocks upwards of $10 billion in frozen funds for…