Epic Government Incompetence

By: Derek Hunter If you just parachuted into the United States from another planet (unlike the millions of illegal aliens from this planet simply marching across the border at the encouragement of Democrats), upon first glimpse, you might think our government is efficient and excellent at managing our resources. You would, of course, be insane…

Democrats Are Getting Desperate

By: Derek Hunter Pathetic. Just pathetic. I realize that in today’s political environment, that word could easily refer to damn near everything. And, honestly, it should. The people, places and things in politics are just the worst; truly the worst. It’s almost impossible to differentiate which is worse, they’re all just, well, pathetic. While I…

How Gross Are Democrats?

By: Derek Hunter That’s an open-ended question for which there is no answer, but only because there is no limit. Democrats have no “bottom” to hit, since every time they do they break out a shovel and go even deeper. In addition to having no standards, no scruples and no decency, Democrats have to shame…

The ‘Trump Never Conceded’ Lie

By: Derek Hunter Democrats just can’t tell the truth about anything. When reality does you no favors, that should tell you something, shouldn’t it?  To Democrats, it does not. They are, after all, the people who created the concept of “my truth,” and other such hippie nonsense people use to justify their mistakes and selfish…