The Chief Justice Takes On the President

By:               Judge Andrew Napolitano When Donald Trump became president, he swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and enforce federal laws “faithfully.” James Madison, who was the scrivener at the Constitutional Convention, insisted on using the word “faithfully” in the presidential oath and including the oath in the body of the Constitution because he knew…

Will the Real Attorney General Please Stand Up?

By:                Judge Andrew Napolitano Last week’s surprise forced resignation of Jeff Sessions as attorney general of the United States set in motion a series of events that will soon resonate in all corners of the Department of Justice. President Donald Trump has been steamed at Sessions ever since Sessions removed himself from supervision over the…

What Will the Dems Do With Their New House?

By:                Judge Andrew Napolitano The Democratic Party has won control of the House of Representatives. Its members effectively will be able to block all legislation that the Senate passes and the president wants. They also will be able to unleash their subpoena power mercilessly on the executive branch. Will the members of the new majority…

Prosecutors and the Rule of Law

By:                Judge Andrew Napolitano Late last week, a federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, questioned the authority of special counsel Robert Mueller to seek an indictment and pursue the prosecution of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort for alleged financial crimes that, according to the indictment, began and ended well before Donald Trump ran for president.…