‘What Is She Doing Here?’: Report on Feinstein’s Health Details Senator’s Confusion Over VP Harris

By: Leah Barkoukis Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)’s physical and mental impairments are increasingly upsetting members of her own party who want the 89-year-old to resign immediately. According to The New York Times, the California Democrat only manages to carry out her responsibilities with the assistance of a large number of aides who orchestrate her every…

Democrats’ Foul Tactics on Kavanaugh May Come Back to Bite Them

By:                Michael Barone “I can’t think of a more embarrassing scandal for the United States Senate since the McCarthy hearings,” said Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn as then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the afternoon of Sept. 27, “and the question was asked, ‘Have you no sense of decency?’” Cornyn was…

Investigate the Senate Democrat Wrecking Machine

By:                Michelle Malkin How did we get here? The Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination circus didn’t happen by accident. The emergence of incredible — and by “incredible,” I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of “too extraordinary and improbable to be believed” — accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake. It is my contention that this…

Democrats Hoping for Another Anita Hill

By:          Jeff Crouere During this age of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Democrats sink to new levels of lunacy every day. As Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) continues to encourage liberals to harass Trump administration officials and supporters, several crazed activists have gone too far. This week, a GOP office in Wyoming was set on fire by an…