What CBS News Did With Catherine Herridge’s Files Could Have Chilling Effect on Whistleblowers

By: Matt Vespa Last week, CBS News initiated a series of layoffs that included investigative reporter Catherine Herridge. While her termination from the network was a surprise, what happened afterward could have a chilling effect on whistleblowers: CBS News seized Herridge’s confidential files. She was reportedly doing research for a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.…

Democrats’ Fake News Sites Face Plant in Wisconsin and Tennessee

By: Matthew Foldi Across America, highly-localized “news” outlets with innocuous sounding names like The Dogwood, The ‘Gander, and Iowa Starting Line have cropped up, ostensibly to keep local populaces informed, but in reality they are actually just Democrat propaganda outfits. From sprawling systems like Tara McGowan’s Courier to David Brock’s American Independent franchise of “papers,”…

Jar Shaking

By:      Jeff Davidson. As we approach 2024, I am reminded of comments by a man who said that as a young kid, he and his friends collected jars of black ants and jars of red ants. They would then put the red and black ants in the same jar. Initially, nothing much happened. They would then…

Watching Media Outlets Die

By: Derek Hunter Journalism is dead; the media is absolutely horrible and it can’t die fast enough. Thankfully, it is dying. Each year there are fewer newspapers and news websites out there, as the market speaks and people flee these left-wing propaganda machines and wither on the vine. Don’t get me wrong, if these outlets…

Which Journalists Are the ‘Professionals’?

By: Tim Graham Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi is the most recent example of a journalist who sounds like his own colleagues are the “professionals” and the writers without the classic Old Media branding are the “non-pros,” people who don’t have standards. Farhi began by tweeting: “Someone invented the phrase ‘citizen journalism’ a few…